What is virtual bidding?

Virtual bidding is a financial mechanism in electricity markets that allows participants to profit from price differences between the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) and the Real-Time Market (RTM). Virtual bidders do not take physical delivery of electricity but must close their positions in the RTM. Virtual bids can be: Virtual Supply: Selling electricity in the DAM, expecting lower RTM prices. Virtual Demand: Buying electricity in the DAM, expecting higher RTM prices . All virtual positions are financially settled, meaning any imbalance is resolved in the RTM. This mechanism helps align DAM and RTM prices, improving market efficiency and providing opportunities for traders to profit from accurate market forecasts.

Why is the company named Charles River Trading?

Our partners all graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) by the Charles River in Boston. The name represents our enduring love for our alma mater and the spirit of relentless exploration.

What is the company's core trading philosophy?

We focus on short-term trading and do not rely on individual opinions to make trading decisions. Our trading signals are generated entirely by artificial intelligence and optimization models, which naturally aligns with our focus on short-term futures trading. We believe that achieving consistent success lies in winning within the framework of probabilities.

Is the company hiring now?

We always welcome talented students and young professionals from fields such as physics, mathematics, computer science, engineering, and finance to join our team. As long as you possess the skills and potential we see, we will offer highly competitive compensation.

What are the company visions and goals?

Our vision is to establish ourselves as the leading firm in energy trading, specializing in virtual and congestion trading within the competitive U.S. electricity market. As an AI-enabled power marketer, we strive to set new benchmarks for innovation, efficiency, and profitability. By leveraging advanced technologies, we enable and accelerate the ascent of clean energy in the world’s electricity markets, shaping a more sustainable and efficient energy future.

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Send an email to info@charlesrivertradingus.com